Process for generation and optionally extraction of the RDBES table CL (Commercial Landing).
major_fao_area_filter = NULL,
hash_algorithms = NULL,
digit_accuracy = 1L,
encrypted_vessel_code_separator = ", ",
export_path = NULL
list expected. Output of the function postgresql_dbconnection for a connection to the observe database.
list expected. Output of the function postgresql_dbconnection for a connection to the balbaya database.
character expected. File path of the FAO area grid. The file format has to be .Rdata or .RData extension.
character expected. File path of the EEZ area grid. The file format has to be .Rdata or .RData extension.
integer expected. Year(s) selected associated to the databases queries extractions.
integer expected. Flag(s) selected associated to the databases queries extractions.
integer expected. By default NULL. Sub selection of major fao area.
integer expected. By default NULL. The hashing algorithms to be used for the CLencrypVesIds variable. You can choose any modality of the argument "algo" or the function digest.
integer expected. By default 1. Indicating the number of decimal places to be used.
character expected. By default ", ". Which separator you want to use for the CLencrypVesIds variable.
character expected. By default NULL. Directory path associated for the export.
A R object with the RDBES table CL with potentially a csv extraction associated.