The purpose of the check_species_catch_ocean function is to provide a table of data that contains an inconsistency between the species caught during the trip and the ocean reported for the trip with the ocean for which the species are associated

check_species_catch_ocean(data_connection, type_select, select, output)



list expected. Either output of the function postgresql_dbconnection, which must be done before using the check_species_catch_ocean function or the two data sets used (the first one is the species-ocean associations and the second one is the species caught with the associated ocean)


character expected. Choose the study unit, you can choose between: "trip" or "year".


character expected with type_select is "trip". Then give unique identifier for the trip. numeric expected with type_select is "year".Then give year for the trip.


character expected.Kind of expected output. You can choose between "message", "report" or "logical".


The function returns a character with output is "message", a data.frame with output is "report", a logical with output is "logical"