Conversion function for latitude, longitude and cwp item. For more information on the cwp format check the online document on https://www.fao.org/cwp-on-fishery-statistics/handbook/general-concepts/main-water-areas/en/#c737533.
data_longitude = NULL,
data_latitude = NULL,
data_cwp = NULL,
output_degree_format = NULL,
output_degree_parameter = NULL,
input_degree_format = NULL,
epsg_code = as.integer(4326)
character expected. A string matching one of the accepted processes. Available processes are "cwp_to_latitude_longitude" or "latitude_longitude_to_cwp".
character expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for "latitude_longitude_to_cwp" process. A string vector with longitude value(s). Formats allowed is decimal degree (with point separator) or in degree minute seconde format (xxdxx'xx”). If values are duplicated, the function simplify the process automatically (no need to remove them before).
character expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for "latitude_longitude_to_cwp" process. A string vector with latitude value(s). Formats allowed is decimal degree (with point separator) or in degree minute seconde format (xxdxx'xx”). If values are duplicated, the function simplify the process automatically (no need to remove them before).
character expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for "cwp_to_latitude_longitude" process. A string vector with cwp value(s).
character expected. File path of the referential grid shape. File with .Rdata extension file expected.
character expected. By default NULL. Mandatory for "cwp_to_latitude_longitude" process. A string matching one of the accepted output degree format. Available formats are "degree_minute_seconde" and "decimal_degree".
character expected. By default NULL. Mandatory for "cwp_to_latitude_longitude" process. You can choose between "centroid" or "corner" for display coordinates of the square according to the centroid or the corner of it.
character expected. By default NULL. Mandatory for "latitude_longitude_to_cwp" process. A string matching one of the accepted output degree format. Available formats are "degree_minute_seconde" and "decimal_degree".
integer expected. By default 4326. Mandatory for "latitude_longitude_to_cwp" process. An integer (on 4 digits) of one EPSG spatial reference systems related to latitude and longitude coordinates provide. Check this web site for more informations: https://www.spatialreference.org. By default 4326.
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