Latitude-longitude to c-square converter.
boundary_ajustement_factor = 1e-06
R data with at least two columns with longitude and latitude values. Be careful! Your longitude and latitude data have to be in the WGS84 projection and coordinates in decimal degree.
numeric expected. Resolution for the global grid square. You have just to provide the first value of the resolution. Check the section details below.
character expected. Latitude column name in your data.
character expected. Longitude column name in your data.
numeric expected. By default 0.000001. Boundary adjustment factor is invoked for latitude values -90/90, longitude values -180/180, i.e. the limiting cases. The value does not matter unduly, so long as it is smaller than the size of the smallest square that will be requested.
The function return your input data frame with one more columns filled with the c-square value (according your specification in the "grid_square" argument).
For the argument "grid_square", you can choose between 7 modalities:
10: for a grid with a resolution of 10x10 degrees
5: for a grid with a resolution of 5x5 degrees
1: for a grid with a resolution of 1x1 degrees
0.5: for a grid with a resolution of 0.5x0.5 degrees
0.1: for a grid with a resolution of 0.1x0.1 degrees
0.05: for a grid with a resolution of 0.05x0.05 degrees
0.01: for a grid with a resolution of 0.01x0.01 degrees
This function have been developped regarding a MS Excel worksheet of Tony Rees (Tony.Rees@csiro.au). If you want more informations about C-square visit http://www.cmar.csiro.au/csquares/spec1-1.htm.
# Example for classification until division fao fishing area
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
tmp <- latitude_longitude_to_csquare(data = balbaya_landing_rectangle,
grid_square = 0.5,
latitude_name = "latitude",
longitude_name = "longitude")} # }