Process for generation the table 2.1 template, list of required species/stocks, for a Regional Work Plan (RWP).
eu_countries = c("AUT", "BEL", "BGR", "HRV", "CYP", "CZE", "DNK", "EST", "FIN", "FRA",
"DEU", "GRC", "HUN", "IRL", "ITA", "LVA", "LTU", "LUX", "MLT", "NLD", "POL", "PRT",
"ROU", "SVK", "SVN", "ESP", "SWE"),
rfmo = c("CCAMLR", "CECAF", "GFCM", "IATTC", "ICCAT", "ICES", "IOTC", "NAFO", "SEAFO",
input_path_directory_eurostat = NULL,
input_path_file_rcg_stats = NULL,
output_path = NULL
integer expected. Start of reference period. Be careful, the process needs 3 years at least to run.
integer expected. End of reference period. Be careful, the process needs 3 years at least to run.
character expected. European Union country(ies) id(s) for data extraction associated. Use 3-alpha country. By default the 27 EU member states.
character expected. Landing data statistics source. You can choose between EUROSTAT source (use argument "eurostat", https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/fisheries/data/database) or regional database source (use argument "rcg_stats").
character expected. RFMO's list to include in output. By default CCAMLR, CECAF, GFCM, IATTC, ICCAT, ICES, IOTC, NAFO, SEAFO, SPRFMO, WCPFC, WECAFC.
character expected. Input path directory for input eurostat files.
character expected. Input path and file name for input CL landing RDB file.
character expected. Input path and file name for input FIDES file.
character expected. Output path. By default NULL.
A list with two elements: "table_2_1_template" and "table_2_1_template_control".