balbaya_fishing_activity_vesseltype: Generic extraction of vessels, sets, catches, and effort from Balbaya

Associated functions :

  • fishing capacity: Annual changes in the number of vessel

  • fishing effort: Annual total number of fishing and searching days

  • spatial occupancy: Changes in the spatial extent of the fishery over time. Annual number of 1-degree squares explored by each vessel.

balbaya_fishing_activity_engin: Generic extraction of sets and catches from Balbaya

Associated functions :

  • fishing activity: Fishing operations. Annual number of fishing sets on FOB-associated and free-swimming tuna schools.

  • set per searching day: Annual number of sets per searching day on FOB-associated and free-swimming schools.

  • catch per searching day (dataframe 2): Annual number of catch per positive set on FOB-associated and free-swimming schools.

  • catch per unit effort (dataframe 2): Annual catch rates (in t per searching day) on FOB- associated and free-swimming tuna schools (FSC).

Associated functions :

  • catch_per_searching_day (dataframe 1): Annual number of catch per positive set on FOB-associated and free-swimming schools.

  • catch_per_unit_effort (dataframe 1): Annual catch rates (in t per searching day) on FOB- associated and free-swimming tuna schools (FSC).

  • map_catch_distribution: Spatial distribution of tuna catches.

  • map_effort_distribution: Spatial distribution of tuna effort.


Associated functions :

  • fishery production: Total fishery production (catch by species).


Associated functions :

  • bio_size_tuna: Size distribution of major tuna catches (in percentage of the total number of fishes).

  • bio_weight_tuna: Weight distribution of major tuna catches (in percentage of the total number of fishes).


Associated functions :

  • species_biological_variable: Gives the number of each biological variable sampled for a given year

observe_sample_summary_logbook / observe_sample_summary_observation:

Associated functions :

  • sample_summary: gives the number of trips, vessels or wells sampled for a given year


Associated functions :

  • set_total: Total number of set events, sampled or not, with or without tuna landings.

  • psu_total: Total number of calibration events, sampled or not, with tuna landings (variables: exit, well and vessel).