Regional Work Plans Tool
To get a bug fix or to use a feature from the development version, you can install the development version of rwptool from GitHub.
ref = "development",
# setup ----
reference_period_start <- as.integer(x = 2019)
reference_period_end <- as.integer(x = 2021)
# By default countries used are the 27 EU member states, you can change that through the "eu_countries" argument.
# By default rfmo used are CCAMLR, CECAF, GFCM, IATTC, ICCAT, ICES, IOTC, NAFO, SEAFO, SPRFMO, WCPFC and WECAFC. You can change that through the "rfmo" argument.
landing_statistics <- "eurostat"
# You can switch with "rcg_stats" in the "landing_statistics" argument to use regional database source.
input_path_directory_eurostat <- "~/eurostat"
input_path_file_rcg_stats <- "~/cl_landing_rdbes.csv"
input_path_file_fides <- "~/export_quota.csv"
output_path <- "~/output"
# process ----
# with eurostat data as input
rwp_table_2_1_template(reference_period_start = reference_period_start,
reference_period_end = reference_period_end,
landing_statistics = landing_statistics,
input_path_directory_eurostat = input_path_directory_eurostat,
input_path_file_fides = input_path_file_fides,
output_path = output_path)
# with rcg stats data as input
rwp_table_2_1_template(reference_period_start = reference_period_start,
reference_period_end = reference_period_end,
landing_statistics = landing_statistics,
input_path_file_rcg_stats = input_path_file_rcg_stats,
input_path_file_fides = input_path_file_fides,
output_path = output_path)
If you encounter a clear bug, please file an issue with a minimal reproducible example on GitHub issues page. This link is also available if you have any questions and improvement propositions.