Create R6 reference object class object_model_data


Method trips_object_creation()

Creation of an R6 reference object class trips which contains one or more R6 reference object class trip.


  data_source = "observe_database",
  database_connection = NULL,
  years_period = NULL,
  flag_codes = NULL,
  ocean_codes = NULL,
  vessel_type_codes = NULL,
  trip_ids = NULL,
  data_path = NULL,
  envir = NULL



Object of class character expected. By default "observe_database". Identification of data source. You can switch between "observe_database", "avdth_database", "csv_file" (with separator ";" and decimal ","), "rdata_file" or "envir" (for an object in the R environment).


Database connection, list of one or more R object(s) expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for data source "observe_database" ("PqConnection" R object), corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::postgresql_dbconnection()`. Or mandatory argument for data source"avdth_database" ("JDBCConnection" R object) corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::access_dbconnection()`. For data source "observe_database", a list of "PqConnection" R objects can be specified to query data from different observe databases. For example, a list of two database connection arguments for "observe_main" and "observe_acquisition" can be specified to simultaneously import and process recent data from acquisition database, which has not yet been imported into the main database, and older data from the main database.


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Year(s) of the reference time period coded on 4 digits. Mandatory for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Three letters country(ies) FAO code(s) related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Ocean(s) related to data coded on 1 digit. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Vessel type(s) related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Additional parameter only used with data source "observe_database". Use trip(s) identification(s) for selected trip(s) kept in the query. This argument overrides all others arguments like "years_period", "flag_codes" or "ocean_codes".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Path of the data csv/RData file.


Object of class character expected. By default the first environment where data are found will be used. Specify an environment to look in for data source "envir".

Method activities_object_creation()

Creation of a R6 reference object class activities which contain one or more R6 reference object class activity.


  data_source = "observe_database",
  database_connection = NULL,
  years_period = NULL,
  flag_codes = NULL,
  ocean_codes = NULL,
  vessel_type_codes = NULL,
  trip_ids = NULL,
  data_path = NULL,
  envir = NULL



Object of class character expected. By default "observe_database". Identification of data source. You can switch between "observe_database", "avdth_database", "csv_file" (with separator ";" and decimal ","), "rdata_file" or "envir" (for an object in the R environment).


Database connection, list of one or more R object(s) expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for data source "observe_database" ("PqConnection" R object), corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::postgresql_dbconnection()`. Or mandatory argument for data source"avdth_database" ("JDBCConnection" R object) corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::access_dbconnection()`. For data source "observe_database", a list of "PqConnection" R objects can be specified to query data from different observe databases. For example, a list of two database connection arguments for "observe_main" and "observe_acquisition" can be specified to simultaneously import and process recent data from acquisition database, which has not yet been imported into the main database, and older data from the main database.


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Year(s) of the reference time period coded on 4 digits. Mandatory for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Country(ies) code related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Ocean(s) related to data coded on 1 digit. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Vessel type(s) related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Additional parameter only used with data source "observe_database". Use trip(s) identification(s) for selected trip(s) kept in the query. This argument overrides all others arguments like "years_period", "country" or "ocean".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Path of the data csv/RData file.


Object of class character expected. By default the first environment where data are found will be used. Specify an environment to look in for data source "envir".

Method elementarycatches_object_creation()

Creation of a R6 reference object class elementarycatches which contain one or more R6 reference object class elementarycatch.


  data_source = "observe_database",
  database_connection = NULL,
  years_period = NULL,
  flag_codes = NULL,
  ocean_codes = NULL,
  vessel_type_codes = NULL,
  species_fate_codes = NULL,
  trip_ids = NULL,
  data_path = NULL,
  envir = NULL



Object of class character expected. By default "observe_database". Identification of data source. You can switch between "observe_database", "avdth_database", "csv_file" (with separator ";" and decimal ","), "rdata_file" or "envir" (for an object in the R environment).


Database connection, list of one or more R object(s) expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for data source "observe_database" ("PqConnection" R object), corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::postgresql_dbconnection()`. Or mandatory argument for data source"avdth_database" ("JDBCConnection" R object) corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::access_dbconnection()`. For data source "observe_database", a list of "PqConnection" R objects can be specified to query data from different observe databases. For example, a list of two database connection arguments for "observe_main" and "observe_acquisition" can be specified to simultaneously import and process recent data from acquisition database, which has not yet been imported into the main database, and older data from the main database.


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Year(s) of the reference time period coded on 4 digits. Mandatory for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Country(ies) code related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Ocean(s) related to data coded on 1 digit. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Vessel type(s) related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Specie fate(s) related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Additional parameter only used with data source "observe_database". Use trip(s) identification(s) for selected trip(s) kept in the query. This argument overrides all others arguments like "years_period", "country" or "ocean".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Path of the data csv/RData file.


Object of class character expected. By default the first environment where data are found will be used. Specify an environment to look in for data source "envir".

Method elementarylandings_object_creation()

Creation of a R6 reference object class elementarylandings which contain one or more R6 reference object class elementarylanding


  data_source = "observe_database",
  database_connection = NULL,
  years_period = NULL,
  flag_codes = NULL,
  ocean_codes = NULL,
  vessel_type_codes = NULL,
  trip_ids = NULL,
  data_path = NULL,
  envir = NULL



Object of class character expected. By default "observe_database". Identification of data source. You can switch between "observe_database", "avdth_database", "csv_file" (with separator ";" and decimal ","), "rdata_file" or "envir" (for an object in the R environment).


Database connection, list of one or more R object(s) expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for data source "observe_database" ("PqConnection" R object), corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::postgresql_dbconnection()`. Or mandatory argument for data source"avdth_database" ("JDBCConnection" R object) corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::access_dbconnection()`. For data source "observe_database", a list of "PqConnection" R objects can be specified to query data from different observe databases. For example, a list of two database connection arguments for "observe_main" and "observe_acquisition" can be specified to simultaneously import and process recent data from acquisition database, which has not yet been imported into the main database, and older data from the main database.


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Year(s) of the reference time period coded on 4 digits. Mandatory for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Country(ies) code related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Ocean(s) related to data coded on 1 digit. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Vessel type(s) related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Additional parameter only used with data source "observe_database". Use trip(s) identification(s) for selected trip(s) kept in the query. This argument overrides all others arguments like "years_period", "country" or "ocean".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Path of the data csv/RData file.


Object of class character expected. By default the first environment where data are found will be used. Specify an environment to look in for data source "envir".

Method wells_object_creation()

Creation of a R6 reference object class wells which contain one or more R6 reference object class well, wellset, samples and elementarywellplan.


  data_source = "observe_database",
  database_connection = NULL,
  years_period = NULL,
  flag_codes = NULL,
  ocean_codes = NULL,
  vessel_type_codes = NULL,
  sample_type_codes = NULL,
  trip_ids = NULL,
  data_path_sample = NULL,
  data_path_wellplan = NULL,
  envir = NULL



Object of class character expected. By default "observe_database". Identification of data source. You can switch between "observe_database", "avdth_database", "csv_file" (with separator ";" and decimal ","), "rdata_file" or "envir" (for an object in the R environment).


Database connection, list of one or more R object(s) expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for data source "observe_database" ("PqConnection" R object), corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::postgresql_dbconnection()`. Or mandatory argument for data source"avdth_database" ("JDBCConnection" R object) corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::access_dbconnection()`. For data source "observe_database", a list of "PqConnection" R objects can be specified to query data from different observe databases. For example, a list of two database connection arguments for "observe_main" and "observe_acquisition" can be specified to simultaneously import and process recent data from acquisition database, which has not yet been imported into the main database, and older data from the main database.


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Year(s) of the reference time period coded on 4 digits. Mandatory for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Country(ies) code related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Ocean(s) related to data coded on 1 digit. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Vessel type(s) related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Sample type identification.


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Additional parameter only used with data source "observe_database". Use trip(s) identification(s) for selected trip(s) kept in the query. This argument overrides all others arguments like "years_period", "country" or "ocean".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Path of the data sql/csv file for samples.


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Path of the data sql/csv file for well plans.


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Specify an environment to look in for data source "envir".

Method setdurationrefs_data()

Creation of a data frame object with parameters of set duration algorithms.


  data_source = "csv_file",
  data_path = NULL,
  envir = NULL



Object of class character expected. Identification of data source. By default "csv_file" (with separator character ";" and decimal ","). Identification of data source. You can switch to "rdata_file" or "envir" (for an object in the R environment).


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for data source "csv_file", "rdata_file" or "envir". Path of the data file.


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Specify an environment to look in for data source "envir".

Method lengthsteps_data()

Creation of a data frame object with length ratio between ld1 and lf class.


  data_source = "csv_file",
  data_path = NULL,
  envir = NULL



Object of class character expected. By default "csv_file" (with separator character ";" and decimal ","). Identification of data source. You can switch to "rdata_file" or "envir" (for an object in the R environment).


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for data source "csv_file", "rdata_file" or "envir". Path of the data file.


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Specify an environment to look in for data source "envir".

Method samplesets_data()

Creation of a data frame object with weighted weigth of each set sampled.


  data_source = "observe_database",
  database_connection = NULL,
  years_period = NULL,
  flag_codes = NULL,
  ocean_codes = NULL,
  vessel_type_codes = NULL,
  trip_ids = NULL,
  data_path = NULL,
  envir = NULL



Object of class character expected. By default "observe_database". Identification of data source. You can switch between "observe_database", "avdth_database", "csv_file" (with separator ";" and decimal ","), "rdata_file" or "envir" (for an object in the R environment).


Database connection, list of one or more R object(s) expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for data source "observe_database" ("PqConnection" R object), corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::postgresql_dbconnection()`. Or mandatory argument for data source"avdth_database" ("JDBCConnection" R object) corresponding to the second element of the object returned by `furdeb::access_dbconnection()`. For data source "observe_database", a list of "PqConnection" R objects can be specified to query data from different observe databases. For example, a list of two database connection arguments for "observe_main" and "observe_acquisition" can be specified to simultaneously import and process recent data from acquisition database, which has not yet been imported into the main database, and older data from the main database.


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Year(s) of the reference time period coded on 4 digits. Mandatory for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Country(ies) code related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Ocean(s) related to data coded on 1 digit. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class integer expected. By default NULL. Vessel type(s) related to data extraction. Necessary argument for data source "observe_database" and "avdth_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Additional parameter only used with data source "observe_database". Use trip(s) identification(s) for selected trip(s) kept in the query. This argument overrides all others arguments like "years_period", "country" or "ocean".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Path of the data csv/RData file.


Object of class character expected. By default the first environment where data are found will be used. Specify an environment to look in for data source "envir".

Method lengthweightrelationships_data()

Creation of a data frame object with parameters for length weight relationship.


  data_source = "observe_database",
  database_connection = NULL,
  data_path = NULL,
  envir = NULL



Object of class character expected. By default "observe_database". Identification of data source. You can switch to "csv_file" (with separator character ";" and decimal ","), "rdata_file" or "envir" (for an object in the R environment).


Database connection R object expected. By default NULL. Mandatory argument for data source "observe_database".


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Path of the data file.


Object of class character expected. By default NULL. Specify an environment to look in for data source "envir".

Method clone()

The objects of this class are cloneable with this method.


object_model_data$clone(deep = FALSE)



Whether to make a deep clone.