Level 2 of t3 process (samples standardisation).
maximum_lf_class = as.integer(500),
threshold_rf_minus10 = as.integer(500),
threshold_rf_plus10 = as.integer(500),
threshold_frequency_rf_minus10 = as.integer(75),
threshold_frequency_rf_plus10 = as.integer(75),
threshold_rf_total = as.integer(250),
log_file = FALSE,
log_path = NULL,
log_name = "t3_level2",
output_path = NULL,
output_format = "eu",
new_directory = FALSE,
integrated_process = FALSE,
referential_template = "observe"
Object of classes object_model_data
and R6
Object of classes full_trips
, list_t3
and R6
Object of type integer
expected. Theorical maximum lf class that can occur (all species considerated). By default 500.
Object of type integer
expected. Threshold limit value for raising factor on individuals category minus 10. By default 500.
Object of type integer
expected. Threshold limit value for raising factor on individuals category plus 10. By default 500.
Object of type integer
expected. Threshold limit frequency value for raising factor on individuals category minus 10. By default 75.
Object of type integer
expected. Threshold limit frequency value for raising factor on individuals category plus 10. By default 75.
Object of type integer
expected. Threshold limit value for raising factor (all categories). By default 250.
Object of type logical
expected. Initiation or not for log file creation. By default FALSE (no).
Object of type character
expected. Path of the log file directory. By default NULL.
Object of type character
expected. Name of the log file. By default "t3_level2".
Object of class character
expected. Outputs path directory. By default NULL.
Object of class character
expected. By default "eu". Select outputs format regarding European format (eu) or United States format (us).
Object of class logical
expected. Initiate a new outputs directory of use an existing one. By default NULL.
Object of class logical
expected. Indicate if the process is integrated in another (like the one in the function "t3_process"). By default FALSE.
Object of class character
expected. By default "observe". Referential template selected (for example regarding the activity_code). You can switch to "avdth".
The function a R6 reference object of class "object_full_trips".